Cloud News 2020 / 05

In episode 5 of Wechsler Consulting Cloud News, we talk about the top news from Microsoft Build 2020 and especially Azure Digital Twins, which have truly made an incredible leap in functionality.

Here are the links to topics mentioned in the video:

Azure Digital Twins

Azure IOT Edge

Windows IOT 10 – Linux Runtime

IOTHub – Private Link

IOT Plug & Play

Azure RTOS – GA

Azure Sphere updates

Sphere and RTOS can work together

IOT Central

New OPC UA – “Getting Started” course released!

The OPC Unified Architecture communication standard is one of the main technical pillars you can build a digital transformation project on.
This has been especially true for the industrial automation market over the last years, but currently OPC UA is making huge in-roads into other verticals, such as retail and logistics, used by companies transforming to be Industry 4.0-ready.

Connect devices using OPC UA and .NET Core!

Its stability, resiliency and security features are hard to match and truly on enterprise level.
Our new Wechsler Consulting interactive online course provides an introduction to the OPC UA standard and pragmatically explains its different building blocks implementing a simple example in .NET Core using the Open Source OPC UA reference stack released by the OPC Foundation.

There is no faster way to get involved with OPC UA!

In addition – we take care of You!
This course includes two 45 minutes calls with the author to answer your questions, discuss ideas and get inspirations for your current or future project.

Microsoft Build 2020 coming up this week!

Microsoft teams have geared up, this time, of course, virtually, to present all the newest stuff from their development repositories. Looking at Azure IOT there is quite some interesting information in the pipe.
Focus, this year, seems to be on Azure Sphere and Digital Twins, although they might come up with some new stuff, as well.

So tune in, I’ll be there. 🙂

Azure Pipelines using in YAML CD now generally available

Enterprise projects require Continous Intgration and Continous Deployment (CI/CD). In Azure DevOps this is possible, of course, but in the past it was a challenge to keep the CI/CD pipeline definition in sync with the code versions, especially across different stages/environments.
Azure pipelines with YAML CD fixes this issue, because the pipeline definition YAML file is part of a repository and now can be versioned together with the app / service / container one intends to deploy.
Any changes to the pipeline can be validated together with the rest of the codebase through the different stages. This provides absolute control and helps to avoid configuration and carry over errors between stages, quite a bit.
A very helpful and long-awaited feature!